dynamic programming





C++ Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming

* Faster alternatives compared to recursion
* In recursion, certain quantities are recalculated far too many times
* Need to avoid recalculation, ideally, calculate each unique quantity once
* A technique for avoiding recomputation
* Can make exponential running times become linear
* Store all computed values in an array

Source code examples as follows:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


// Factorial bottom-up dynamic programming.

// In bottom-up programming, programmer

// has to do the thinking by selecting values

// to calculate and order of calculation.

// This problem is not a good example because

// this problem does not exhibit overlapping subproblems

// since factorial is called exactly once

// for each positive integer less than n.

int fact_dp_bu(int n)


    int result[n];

    if (n >= 0) {

        result[0] = 1;

        for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i) {

            result[i] = i * result[i-1];


        return result[n];


    else {

        return numeric_limits<int>::min();




// Factorial top-down dynamic programming

// In top-down programming, recursive

// structure of original code is preserved, but

// unnecessary recalculation is avoided.

int factorial[100];

int fact_dp_td(int n)


    if (n < 0)

        return numeric_limits<int>::min();


    if (factorial[n] > 1)

        return factorial[n];


    if (n == 0 || n == 1) // base cases first

        return 1;


    factorial[n] = n * fact_dp_td(n-1);  // recursion case


    return factorial[n];




 *  Computes the factorial of the nonnegative integer n.

 *  @pre  n >= 0.

 *  @post None.

 *  @param n The nonnegative integer to compute its factorial.

 *  @return The factorial of n; n is unchanged.


int fact_recursion(int n)   // factorial recursion


    if (n == 0)

        return 1;                        // base case


        return n * fact_recursion(n-1);  // n! = n(n-1)!

                                         // recursion case



int fact_iteration(int n)   // factorial iteration


    if (n >= 0) {

        int result = 1;

        for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i) {

            result = result * i;


        return result;


    else {

        return numeric_limits<int>::min();




// Fibonacci bottom-up dynamic programming.

int fibonacci_dp_bu(int n)


    int fib[n];


    fib[1] = 1;

    fib[2] = 1;


    for (int j=3; j<=n; ++j)

      fib[j] = fib[j-1] + fib[j-2];


    return fib[n];



// Fibonacci top-down dynamic programming.

// This problem is a good example.

// The problem of calculating the nth Fibonacci number does,

// however, exhibit overlapping subproblems.

// The problem of calculating fib(n) thus depends

// on both fib(n-1) and fib(n-2).

// To see how these subproblems overlap look at

// how many times fib is called and with what arguments

// when we try to calculate fib(5):

// fib(5)

// = fib(4)                   + fib(3)

// = fib(3)          + fib(2) + fib(2) + fib(1)

// = fib(2) + fib(1) + fib(2) + fib(2) + fib(1)

// = 5

// Starting from the bottom and going up we can calculate

// the numbers we need for the next step, removing the massive redundancy.

int saveFib[100];

int fibonacci_dp_td(int n)


    // simple cases first

    if (saveFib[n] > 0)

        return saveFib[n];


    if (n <= 1)

        return n;


    // recursion case

    saveFib[n] = fibonacci_dp_td(n-1) + fibonacci_dp_td(n-2);


    return saveFib[n];




 * Computes a term in the Fibonacci sequence.

 * @pre n is a positive integer.

 * @post None.

 * @param n The given integer.

 * @return The nth Fibonacci number.


int fibonacci_recursion(int n)


    if (n <= 2)

        return 1;



        return fibonacci_recursion(n-1) + fibonacci_recursion(n-2);



// @pre n >= 1

int fibonacci_iteration(int n)


    int previous = 1;

    int current = 1;

    int next = 1; // result when n is 1 or 2


    // compute next values when n >= 3

    for (int i = 3; i <= n; ++i) {

        next = current + previous;

        previous = current;

        current = next;



    return next;



int main(int argc, char* argv[])


    cout << fact_dp_bu(5) << endl;

    cout << fact_dp_td(5) << endl;

    cout << fact_recursion(5) << endl;

    cout << fact_iteration(5) << endl;

    cout << fibonacci_dp_bu(8) << endl;

    cout << fibonacci_dp_td(8) << endl;

    cout << fibonacci_recursion(8) << endl;

    cout << fibonacci_iteration(8) << endl;



    return 0;


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